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February 2015 Print E-mail







Copyright © Paolo Aldi / All rights reserved  


Paolo Aldi (Rovereto 1955) began to work as a photojournalist in 1974. During the first years he devoted himself to interdisciplinary learning, where he showed a particular interest in pinhole photography. In 1988, he decided to focus on the study of laboratory experiences, which led him to rediscovering the ancient techniques of photo printing, and especially gum bichromate and Kallitype process. After seven years as the president of the Trentino Region Professional Photographers, in 1995 he started to study the use of infrared film, especially in portraiture. Later he began a regular exhibition schedule and started teaching darkroom techniques mainly. In 1999 he was the co-founder of the Galleria Museo dell'Arte della Stampa (GAMS) and in charge of the photographic sector. Then he resumed pinhole photography and devoted himself to its regular testing and use. In 2001 he started producing HAL, a special handmade pinhole camera made of cherry wood.


Fluctuations is a historical work (collected in a book published by Stella), in which the b&w nudes, created by using infrared film, seem to be hovering in the air. The careful choice of their composition is aiming at the suggestions and the charms of the body, as well as at movement and time running slow.

According to the Author, these are “images of the visual, emotional, intellectual sway we are plunged in, and which we cannot express with appropriate words and concepts. They make the mystery, hidden in the body as well as in the looking eye, visible." 

Website : www.fotopaoloaldi.it

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